In the Media
Vancouver Is Awesome
'Smart gloves' could transform therapy for stroke patients, UBC researcher says
Electrical and computer engineering professor Dr. Peyman Servati and PhD candidate Arvin Tashakori developed a wearable “smart glove” that may help stroke survivors regain their hand functions. B.C. stroke survivors will be testing the glove as part of a study led by physical therapy professor Dr. Janice Eng.
Daily Hive
I took a driverless taxi and here’s why it freaked me out
Dr. Alex Bigazzi, civil engineering professor, said self-driving technology is not ready for full deployment in Canada as it needs more development.
Today in BC
Research finds elevated levels of rare earth elements in East Kootenay coalfield samples
Researchers at the Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering conducted a study which found elevated levels of certain rare earth elements in coal deposits from East Kootenay.
Understanding how wind farms interact with wind can optimize their power
UBCO engineering professor Dr. Joshua Brinkerhoff, with doctoral student Sebastiano Stipa, is part of a team of researchers studying how wind farms can change airstream patterns.
MIT Technology Review
The next generation of mRNA vaccines is on its way
Dr. Anna Blakney (biomedical engineering; Michael Smith Laboratories) was quoted about self-amplifying RNA vaccines.
How effective a climate solution is removing CO2 from the atmosphere?
Mechanical engineering professor Dr. Alex Tavasoli is researching how to capture and store CO2 and exploring uses for captured CO2 and waste.
Canada's National Observer
‘Public health wasn’t the first priority,’ critics say after refinery leak
An air-quality monitoring project led by UBC mechanical engineering researchers received record reports following an industrial accident at Burnaby’s Parkland refinery.
Today in BC
B.C. offers certainty for miners not found elsewhere, says Premier Eby
Dr. John Steen (Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining) commented on mining in B.C.
Vancouver Sun
Vancouver and Burnaby residents reported extreme chemical smell and coughing following Parkland refinery accident
A project led by mechanical engineering researchers called “Smell Vancouver” received record reports following an industrial accident at Burnaby’s Parkland refinery. Dr. Naomi Zimmerman commented on the reports.
Victoria News
Some dig, others bury first phase of B.C.’s critical minerals strategy
Professor Dr. John Steen (Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering; Bradshaw Research Institute for Minerals and Mining) commented on the B.C. government’s critical minerals strategy.