Civil & Materials
Concrete Toboggan
About the Team
The UBC Concrete Toboggan team provides students with an opportunity to practice the technical skills that they have learned in their classes, while improving their teamwork and project planning skills, in a supportive atmosphere. Technical experience includes concrete design, steel design, construction safety, and lab techniques. Nontechnical experience includes teamwork, organization, communication, and scheduling. This could come from planning activities, writing reports, calling meetings, coordinating with event organizers, and more. These non-technical skills are especially important for team members that choose to take on a lead planning or design role. The multi-disciplinary team is made up of a variety of sub-teams, who work together to design and construct the final toboggan.
Nature of Activity
External - Conference Presentation; Competition;
Time Commitment
5 hours/week. General members are expected to attend weekly general meetings (1hr/week) and weekly sub-team meetings (1hr/week). General members are expected to contribute to the team outside of meeting times in some capacity (3hrs/week).
Application Deadlines
- Fall: Mid August - Early September
- Spring: Mid February - Early March