About the Team
SUBC, UBC’s Submarine Design Team, is comprised mostly of engineering undergraduate students from a variety of different departments including Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering and Engineering Physics. As a team we design, build, test and race a one person human-powered submarine in competitions in England and the United States.
Our primary goal is to provide team members with the opportunity to gain good practical experiences that are usually not available in a classroom setting. SUBC allows students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to a practical problem, to gain experience with project and budget management, and to encourage a hands-on design approach that will benefit them in future design challenges. We also strive to promote post-secondary education in marine technologies through exhibitions and displays at venues such as Science World and the Vancouver International Boat Show, where we hope to capture the interest of young students and demonstrate to them the exciting sides of science and engineering. The final goal of our team is to foster a culture of development in the project and enter one of the most competitive submarines at the competitions we race in.
Nature of Activity
- Internal - Prototyping
- External - Competition
Time Commitment
4-8 hours/week
Application Deadlines
Application periods in September and December