Automotive, Chemical & Biomedical, Civil & Materials, Sustainability
About the Team
UBC WasteNauts is a solution-driven Engineering Design Team that encompasses sustainability in engineering design and principles of a circular economy. Our goal is to radically minimize waste on Earth and apply knowledge from all fields to transform that waste into a valuable resource. Our projects are driven by the coolest and most cutting-edge innovations that abide by the three pillars of sustainability. We provide hands-on experience with power tools, materials testing, and additive manufacturing. Our team consists of multiple sub-teams working on a wide range of projects at any given time, so chances are we will have something that appeals to everyone. We also provide unparalleled opportunity for professional development, including the chance to pitch your own project ideas and lead your own sub-teams within one term!
Nature of Activity
- Internal - Research Publication; Prototyping;
- External - Conference Presentation; Challenge Participation;
Time Commitment
Each week each member is generally required to give 8-10 hours (with some weeks being lower than that) this is including all full team meetings and subteam meetings and any social events.
Application Deadlines
In September the Friday of imagine day the recruiting opens for 2 weeks, then January and then summer specifically end of May