May 17, 2022
BRIMM webinar series: The future of biotechnology in mining
BRIMM is excited to partner with the MICA network (Mining Innovation Commercialization Accelerator) to deliver a two-day webinar series: The Future of Biotechnology in Mining
This webinar series brings a cross-Canada snapshot about what is happening on the biotechnology front in mining. It also highlights the growing potential for research-industry partnerships to tackle more complex challenges, as people, organizations, and society navigate towards shared sustainability goals.
Each day will feature presenters with diverse perspectives across a spectrum from research to applied solutions. The focus will be on biotechnology research trajectories, cutting-edge business and technology services, and new applications of research and technology in mining. An interactive discussion about the future of biotechnology in mining and the value of partnering as shared solution providers will follow.
On each day, the 90-minute webinars will start with a brief introduction by our hosts BRIMM Director, John Steen (Tuesday) and Charles Nyabeze CEMI MICA VP Business Development and Commercialization (Wednesday). A series of 15 minute presentations will be followed by a discussion about future possibilities in mining.
These webinars will be held on May 17th, 2022 and May 18th, 2022 at 10:00 am PDT (1:00 pm EST)
Simultaneous translation into French will be provided.
We look forward to showcasing Canada’s growing capacity for industry-research collaborations in biotechnology.
DAY 1 – Tuesday, May 17
Introduction: Dr. John Steen, BRIMM Director
Presenters: (presentation titles to come)
Susan Baldwin, Professor in UBC’s Chemical and Biological Engineering Department and research lead of the Digital Technology Supercluster Mining Microbiome Analysis Platform project, as BRIMM’s Mining Microbiome theme leader.
Aria Hahn, CEO of Koonkie Inc., a bioinformatics service company and contributing partner with the Digital Technology Supercluster Mining Microbiome Analysis Platform project.
Bryne Gramlich, Vice President Business Development for Allonnia, a contributing partner with the Digital Technology Supercluster Mining Microbiome Analysis Platform project.
To be confirmed, Presenter from Teck. Teck leads the Digital Technology Supercluster Mining Microbiome Analysis Platform project.
DAY 2 – Wednesday May 18
Introduction: Charles Nyabeze, CEMI-MICA Vice President Business Development and Commercialization
Presenters: (presentation titles to come)
Nadia Mykytczuk, Interim President and CEO of MIRARCO Mining Innovation and Executive Director of the Goodman School of Mines at Laurentian University.
Michael Lynch, Director of Bioinformatics for Metagenom Bio Inc., a bioinformatics company providing services to the mining industry.
Kelly Whaley Martin, PhD. Senior Consultant, Geochemist for Environmental Resources Management, providing services to the mining industry.
Varun Gupta, PhD. Consultant, Scientist for Environmental Resources Management, providing services to the mining industry.