UBC Engineering professor appointed to the Council of the Engineering Institute of Canada

The Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC) has confirmed the appointment of professor David G. Michelson of the University of British Columbia to the EIC Council in his role as Chair of the Canadian National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science (CNC-URSI).
Formed in 1887, EIC is a federation of fourteen engineering societies based in Canada that represent a broad range of engineering disciplines. The Institute plays a prominent role in recognizing excellence in Canadian engineering through its Fellows program and preserving the history of engineering in Canada through its History and Archives program.
The International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) is one of 40 scientific unions under the International Science Council. URSI is responsible for stimulating and co-ordinating, on an international basis, studies, research, applications, scientific exchange and communication concerning the application of electromagnetic fields and waves.