Once you’ve decided on engineering as your major, you have lots of choices ahead of you.
That’s because there are many different kinds of engineering – including chemical, mechanical, biomedical, civil and manufacturing. In fact, UBC offers 14 different program specializations – one of the most on offer of any university in Canada.

Get up to speed and then decide
Some universities require you to choose your engineering specialization before you’ve even done any engineering. UBC is not like that.
At UBC, all first-year engineering students take a foundation year where they learn the skills needed to succeed no matter what kind of engineer you decide to be. You’ll get up to speed with your skills and confidence so you can make an informed choice about what kind of engineering you want to study.

Plan out a path aligned with your dreams
At the end of first year, you get to set a new destination when you choose which engineering program you want to study. Here’s where your path will diverge from some of your first-year classmates. Depending on your interests, you might choose electrical engineering, mining engineering, computer engineering, environmental engineering or one of any other number of specializations.
Whatever path choose, you are on your way to a rewarding career in engineering! And thanks to UBC’s approach to first year, you’ll have done the training, acquired essential skills and have the confidence to complete the journey.
Curious about some destinations?
- How the first-year advantage of UBC Engineering sets you up for success
- Explore our programs
- Chat with current students about their programs
- Read some Q&As with current students and alumni about how they chose their destination