Chem Eng Class of 1993 25 year reunion May 2018 was an amazing success. Over 30 alumni travelled from Singapore, Hong Kong, Connecticut, Texas, Oregon and all over Canada to celebrate. Pub night on 18 May at Bier Craft in Wesbrook had many marvelling at how much campus had changed. Saturday 19 May we were treated to a building and lab tour by Marlene Chow and reflections by Department Head Dr. Peter Englezos. Saturday afternoon required an impromptu repainting of the cairn by Rob Darling and Jillian Cooke to return it to the Class of 1993 icon that had been painted on early that month. A banquet in the ESC that evening was enjoyed by classmates, family, faculty and department staff. Heidi Yang and Su-In Kuah presented Dr. Englezos with a cheque for $10,000 to support future Third Year Field Trips – fondly remembered by many. Paul Herar and Ray Jung MC’d a hilarious “then and now” slide show comparing grad photos to current, and sharing career, travel and family info about each graduate. A brave few even made it to a coffee gathering the next morning at Granville Island.