Faculty directory
Farinaz Havaei
Research/teaching areas
Workplace violence as an antecedent of nurses’ psychological and physical health problems and as a sequel of unhealthy work environment conditions (e.g., work overload). Health human resource optimization strategies such as optimized scopes of practice and models of care delivery including staffing and skill mix
Charles Haynes
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Research/teaching areas
Biotechnology, genomics, biophysics, bioengineering and biomolecular engineering applied to biologic drug discovery and manufacturing, therapeutics design, cancer diagnostics, and affinity ligand discovery
Graham R. Hendra
Mechanical Engineering
Kasun Hewage
Engineering (Okanagan campus)
Research/teaching areas
Lifecycle assessment of construction products and processes; Waste management in construction; Energy based sustainability analysis in infrastructure projects; Construction productivity and safety; Human factors and information technology in construction; Construction process optimization
Antony Hodgson
Mechanical Engineering
Research/teaching areas
Computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery, surgical navigation, medical image acquisition and processing, ultrasound, machine learning, medical robotics, biomechanics, ergonomics, surgical simulation and training
Maria E. Holuszko
Mining Engineering
Research/teaching areas
Mineral and Coal Processing, Waste Re-processing, Minerals and Coal Characterization, Coal Carbonization, and Coal and Biomass utilization
Jonathan Holzman
Engineering (Okanagan campus)
Research/teaching areas
Optoelectronic sensors; micro-sensors for lab-on-a-chip applications; photonic device technologies; terahertz technologies
Pamela Hoodless
Biomedical Engineering
Research/teaching areas
Stem cells & control of normal development and oncogenesis; heart and GI tract development; genome-wide gene expression analysis, transcription factor binding, histone modifications
Jahangir Hossain
Engineering (Okanagan campus)
Research/teaching areas
Applications of machine learning and digital twins in 6G, Federated learning over wireless networks, Holographic MIMO, and Non-terrestrial networks (NTN)
William Hughes
Engineering (Okanagan campus)
Research/teaching areas
Developing technologies made from DNA; Low-cost liquid computers that perform early-stage diagnostics of hard-to-detect diseases, to sorting extremely dense and stable information for archival applications
Lillian Hung
Research/teaching areas
Examining how technology and environment impact the care experiences of persons with dementia.
Hassan Iqbal
Engineering (Okanagan campus)
Research/teaching areas
Oil and Gas pipeline integrity management. LEAN Management, KAIZEN Management, Six Sigma