In the Media
Canadian Business
Is there a sustainable solution to the lithium-battery shortage?
Chemical and biological engineering professor Dr. David Wilkinson commented on lithium extraction.
Western Built Magazine
Building a resilient future: Meeting Canada's urgent quest for safer, greener homes
UBC Okanagan School of Engineering's Dr. Lisa Tobber comments on the need for safer, greener homes to address Canada's affordable housing crisis.
Undark Magazine
Book excerpt: The future of mining is deeper, darker, and riskier
Mining professor Dr. Scott Dunbar commented on the future of deep mining.
UBC VP Research and Innovation
New BCKDF funding supports innovation
Two UBCO School of Engineering projects led by Drs. Alyse Kiesser and Lisa Tobber receive $125,000 and $619,000 in funding respectively.
CTV News
Great B.C. ShakeOut: How prepared are British Columbians for a big earthquake?
Civil engineering professor Dr. Tony Yang says B.C. should pay attention to the performance and usability of a building after an earthquake. Currently B.C.’s building codes provide a “minimal level of safety,” allowing people to escape during an earthquake but not preventing damage.
UBCO researchers hope to prevent catastrophes with next-generation sensors
UBC Okanagan engineering professor Dr. Mohammad Zarifi and graduate student Vishal Balasubramanian are investigating ways to ensure water-resistant coatings do not deteriorate over time.
Everything you need to know about the new Covid-19 vaccine
Dr. Anna Blakney, assistant professor at UBC biomedical engineering (Michael Smith Laboratories), explained how this fall’s COVID-19 vaccine differs from previous versions.
The Province
B.C. experts went to Turkey to study its devastating earthquakes. This is their advice
UBC engineering experts were among a group of researchers that visited Turkey to study the aftermath of its earthquake. Civil engineering professor Dr. Tony Yang said that preparing for an earthquake should include putting measures in place to manage the recovery process.
University Affairs
How work has changed for university vaccine researchers
Biomedical engineering professor Dr. Anna Blakney commented on the increased interest in vaccine research.
SBME postdoctoral fellow, Samantha Grist, receives the Optica Foundation Challenge Award
Congratulations to SBME postdoctoral fellow Samantha Grist for receiving the Optica Foundation Challenge Award. Samantha’s research focuses on developing silicon photonic biosensors, and she is currently working on a project to develop biosensors to monitor and treat the menopausal transition.