In the Media
Vancouver is Awesome
Rain gardens filter out tire toxin lethal to salmon, B.C. study shows
A study co-authored by civil engineering researchers found that specially designed gardens could reduce toxic chemicals associated with tires entering our waterways by more than 90 per cent.
As B.C. fires threaten highways, communities fear their access routes will be choked off
UBCO engineering professor Dr. Babak Tosarkani discussed how remote areas can better prepare for potential road closures due to wildfires.
100 Mile Free Press
Secwèpemc woman adept at kicking down doors
Indigenous woman Dawn McGrath is among the first cohort of Indigenous people completing a PhD in civil engineering at UBCO.
Vulnerable groups need more support with poor Toronto air quality, say climate experts
Mechanical engineering associate professor Dr. Amanda Giang discussed how wildfire smoke affects marginalized people.
Collision Repair Magazine
High tech textiles: UBC researchers develop carbon fibre process sourced from oil sands materials
Materials engineering assistant professor Dr. Yasmine Abdin and her collaborators have turned bitumen into carbon fibre.
Vancouver Sun
Future of renewable energy looks like a giant battery as Vancouver company scales up production
Electrical and computer engineering professor Dr. Martin Ordonez said battery power is needed to hit net-zero goals for power production.
Castanet News
Top UBCO Engineering student recognized at 2023 graduation ceremony
Solomon Thiessen, described as an "exceptionally gifted" School of Engineering student, was awarded UBC's Governor General's Silver Medal for achieving the highest academic standing of all students in their graduating year.
The Tyee
The shipping climate crunch
Mechanical engineering professor Dr. Amanda Giang conducted a study that investigated climate policy in the shipping industry.
Financial Post
Materials engineers win CHAIR 2022 Community Leadership Award
Material engineering experts Dr. Edouard Asselin and Dr. Amanda Clifford were recognized for their leading research on copper for infection prevention and control.
Vancouver Sun
Will e-bike rebate program get people out of their cars? Here’s what UBC research shows
Civil engineering's active transportation lab headed by Dr. Alex Bigazzi found that electric bikes help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and congestion. Civil engineering PhD students Amir Hassanpour and Elmira Berjisian were quoted.