“Make the most out of every opportunity – you get out what you put in.”

Phoebe Cheung
- Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science
- Grad year: 2023
- Program:
- Campus: Vancouver
Why did you choose to go into your field of study at UBC?
In first year, I had a chance to learn about the biomedical side of engineering through BMEG 101/102. I was particularly drawn to the biomechanics part of it, and mechanical engineering offered a specialization in exactly that. Additionally, I was enjoying my time on the mechanical subteam on UBC AeroDesign, which further solidified my choice to study mechanical engineering. I also spoke with senior MECH students and attended the program fair, and from there, I was confident that mechanical engineering was the right path for me to pursue my interests.
How are you applying the skills you've learned?
I became team captain of AeroDesign at the start of the pandemic when we could no longer be on campus for design team work sessions and virtual meetings became the norm. It was something that I certainly did not expect to have to learn to navigate through as part of my degree. In addition to training new members virtually, ensuring design tasks are being completed efficiently, and working with APSC to eventually transition back to in-person work, I also wanted to make sure the team maintained a strong sense of community despite the online environment. This experience has not only taught me to become a better leader, but it also allowed me to realize the importance of communication, adaptability, and resiliency.
How would you describe the MECH student community?
The student community within MECH was very welcoming and inclusive. I have met some of the most amazing and supportive friends throughout my degree, whether it was bonding through the seemingly endless pile of homework or celebrating the end of a successful term. There were also many opportunities to meet upper year students who were always happy to provide advice and answer questions about school, work, and life in general.
I would never have made it this far without the support of all my peers!