Behind the career: Integrated Engineering

Integrated engineering: Construction engineer for FC Barcelona - Sara


Project Manager for FC Barcelona (Futur Camp Nou Stadium) 

When she was deciding which engineering major to pursue, Sara wanted to define her degree rather than let her degree define her. With her broad range of interests, Sara decided to customize her studies through UBC’s innovative Integrated Engineering (IGEN) program. “What I loved about integrated engineering was the multidisciplinary aspect that it has,” Sara explains. “Within integrated engineering I majored in mechanical engineering and minored in civil engineering and focused my studies on sustainable building sciences and edification. That combination was the perfect fit for me!” 

Sara was also able to define her studies by not shying away from her entrepreneurial spirit. As a student intern, Sara had the chance to move to Spain to work for FC Barcelona. She quickly fell in love with the projects she got to work on, from renovating buildings in an urban area to its commitments towards sustainability. After siting through board meetings, Sara took a particular interest to the decision-making aspect of the project management. “This migrated me into more a business-oriented engineer” Sara describes her career transition. “I find that the marriage between the business world and the engineering mindset works really well together because you already have that analytical mindset but you're not working so much in the nitty-gritty details but rather you're seeing how to apply things together and produce opportunities, which is really exciting.” After graduating from UBC, Sara is returned to FC Barcelona and is now the Project Manager for their Future Camp Nou (FCN) Stadium’s design and development.  

If Sara can give aspiring engineers any advice, she would tell them to not be afraid to be bold and speak your mind, as being able to shamelessly explore and share all your ideas is what makes the best engineers! 

A UBC integrated engineering student describing her capstone project named iGrow.

Integrated Engineering

Integrated Engineering graduates excel in diverse fields of engineering including construction, product/project management, manufacturing, advanced technology development and resource industries.

Integrated Engineering
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