The following resources are available to MASc & PhD students (MEng students are eligible for Teaching Assistantships only):
Graduate Support Initiative (GSI)
Eligibility: all students
The Graduate Support Initiative is a system for funding graduate students through entrance scholarships, multi-year funding packages, tuition awards and scholarship top-ups. GSI funding cannot be used as payment for employment; nor will it replace funding for TA-ships. Funding for the GSI will be phased in as the PhD Tuition Fee Award is phased out over the next several years.
The Faculty of Graduate Studies allocates GSI funds to the disciplinary Faculties, which in turn distribute those funds amongst their graduate programs. The GSI funding received by the Faculty of Applied Science is currently allocated in its entirety to the graduate programs. Graduate programs establish and publish criteria by which the GSI funding will be distributed amongst their graduate students. Students should refer questions regarding funding criteria and amounts to their graduate program office.
Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF)
Eligibility: all PhD students, selection based on academic excellence, upon the recommendation of the graduate program, automatic for Tri-Council holders for the balance of 4 years not covered by their scholarship
Four Year Doctoral Fellowship awards are worth up to $16,000 plus tuition for up to four years.
Tri-Council scholarships (NSERC, CIHR, SSHRC)
Tri-Council - Canadian citizens or Canadian permanent resident research students with first class standing
NSERC IPS - all research students with first class standing
There are three federal agencies that provide research funding for university students, postdoctoral fellows and professors. Referred to as the Tri-Council, they include the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Social Sciences and Health Research Council (SSHRC) and the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC).
Department deadlines for completed applications and supporting documents for the Tri-Council Competitions will be posted on their websites in late August each year.
The NSERC Industrial Postgraduate Scholarship (IPS) program provides support for graduate students who wish to gain research experience in industry. Applicants apply directly to NSERC.
APSC top-ups for Tri-Council winners
Eligibility: all Tri-Council holders
In recognition of their academic excellence, all Tri-Council winners are offered competitive funding packages. Minimum packages are guaranteed for each year the award is held.
Research and teaching assistantships
Research Assistantships - all research students
Teaching Assistantships - all full-time students
The majority of MASc and PhD students who do not hold major scholarships (e.g., NSERC fellowships) are offered Research Assistantships (RAs) by their supervisors. Such assistantships are funded by research grants for specified projects which almost always constitute thesis projects. RAs may be held in conjunction with Teaching Assistantships (TAs) and some scholarships.
Other funding opportunities
Prospective/current students should go through the internal and external awards and scholarship databases to find funding opportunities according to their eligibility criterias.