“As an engineer – and even as a student – I want to bring my values as an Indigenous person to my work, to bring a different perspective to what’s being done.”

Emi Callele
- Degree: Bachelor of Applied Science
- Campus: Vancouver
- Year: 1st year
Why did you decide on UBC Engineering? What made it stand out compared to other schools?
I applied to a few other universities, but UBC was always my top choice. I’m from BC, and I liked that I could be both away from my family, but also still close to them. I was also attracted to the first-year of the program, which starts you off with general engineering so you can try things out, which is very important for an indecisive person like myself! I am looking forward to getting a feel for all the different programs and finding my niche.
What have been some highlights of your experience a few months into the program?
For APSC100 you are put into teams to work on projects. One of my highlights has been working with my team to build a cardboard chair and seeing it perform really well. That was a solidifying moment, where I realized that engineering is a good choice for me. I’ve also been to a couple sports games and it was nice to be part of the community of students.
You were part of Destination UBC. What was that like?
I was still waiting for my final acceptance from UBC and was invited to participate in the Destinations program. My dad and I flew out over a weekend, did a tour of campus, participated in activities, met with an upper-year student, and learned what UBC has to offer for Indigenous students. It was for students from all faculties, and it was great because I connected with them through social media and then had a sit down dinner to get to know them.